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Swabian Castle
The Swabian Castle, known also as "the biggest castle" or "the land castle", was commissioned by Federico II in 1227.
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Aragones Castle
the Aragones Castle, better known as Sea Fortress, was built in 1491 on the St. Andrea island opposite the port.
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Harbour or Romans Columns
The Roman Columns rests has always been considered the symbol of Brindisi. Of the two twin columns only one is intact...
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Italian Sailor Monument
The Italian Sailor Monument, called also the Big Rudder, built in 1933 in the shape of a rudder, which stands 54 meters tall.
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The historical town center
Part of the central historical portion of the city is still bounded by Aragon walls dating back to the mid XV century.
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The Seafront
Percorrendo il lungomare del porto interno della città, si possono ammirare interessanti palazzi e costruzioni di epoche diverse.
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Tancredi Fountain
Detta anche Fonte Grande, fu costruita dal re normanno Tancredi nel 1192 su una preesistente fontana di epoca romana.
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Temple of St. John
Il tempio è una costruzione a forma circolare edificata, sul finire dell'XI secolo, per volontà del normanno Boemondo.
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The Churches
Luoghi di culto che custodiscono importanti riferimenti architettonici e storici, un percorso tra stili risalenti a periodi differenti.
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